Sexual Assault Legal Institute

Organization Details

P.O. Box 8782,
Silver Spring,
301-328-7023, Toll-free: 800-983-7273
Program Contact Phone
Program uses Language Line (Y/N)
Program staff provide services in other lanuages
SALI has Spanish-speaking advocates on staff and will provide language interpretation services for other languages, including ASL.
Intake days/hours (by phone)
Monday-Thursday, 9am-6pm, Friday, 9am-5pm
Cost or fee (describe)
Maryland Legal Services Corporation Guidelines
Program Description

SALI provides direct civil legal services for victims and survivors of sexual assault regarding:

  • education, including college administrative hearings
  • privacy issues; peace and protective orders
  • family law matters (divorce, custody, visitation, child/spousal support)
  • employment
  • housing
  • crime victims compensation
  • referrals for tort cases
  • any other civil matters relating to sexual assault

SALI also provides legal training, technical assistance and resources for professionals working with sexual assault victims:

  • training for Rape Crisis and Recovery Center staff and volunteers regarding the law and the legal options available for victims
  • training and technical assistance for attorneys working with survivors
  • checklists to help victims, advocates and attorneys screen for civil legal needs
  • Low Bono Network of attorneys interested and trained in working with victims. Low Bono attorneys receive a reduced fee for their work.  

SALI works in all 24 jurisdictions of Maryland. 

Immigration legal services consist of:

  • Assistance with self-petitioning for VAWA
  • Assistance with U and T visas

To connect with SALI, call 301-565-2277 (or toll-free to 877-496-SALI) for a 10-15 minute phone conversation with an advocate. Call Monday - Thursday from 9  AM- 6 PM, or Friday from 9 AM - 5 PM. SALI attorneys and staff are working remotely and are available to answer legal questions and conduct intakes for first-time callers in need of legal representation. 

Children (Child Custody, Support, Adoption)
Full Representation
Full Representation
Domestic Violence
Full Representation
Full Representation
Housing - General
Full Representation
Full Representation
Immigration and Citizenship
Full Representation
Other Topics
Full Representation
Se habla Español
Full Representation
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