University of Maryland Carey School of Law

Organization Description

The University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law is committed to serving low-income people in Maryland and encouraging law students’ commitment to public interest.

Program Details

Legal Clinic Program

Program Website: Legal Clinic Program

Program Description:

The Clinical Law Program provides legal services to individuals, families and communities throughout Maryland in a variety of ways, including working with the professional schools (medical, pharmacy and social work) on interdisciplinary approaches that serve clients holistically.

Clinics include:

  • Civil Rights of Persons with Disabilities Clinic
  • Intellectual Property & Entreprenuership Clinic
  • Consumer Bankruptcy Clinic
  • Justice for Victims of Crime Clinic
  • Consumer Protection Clinic
  • Juvenile Lifer Advocacy Clinic
  • Criminal Defense Clinic
  • Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic
  • Economic Justice-Consumer Clinic
  • Mediation Theory & Practice Clinic
  • Environmental Law Clinic
  • Fair Housing Clinic
  • Public Health Law Clinic
  • Gender Violence Clinic
  • Small Business & Community Equity Development Clinic
  • Immigration Clinic
  • Youth, Education, & Justice Clinic

The Clinic considers all requests for assistance on a case-by-case basis. Aside from their time in the Clinical Law Program, University of Maryland Carey School of Law students are not licensed attorneys and cannot be retained to represent you in a legal matter."

Office days/hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Intake days/hours (by phone): 410-706-3295
Condition of waiver (describe): The Clinic considers all requests for assistance on a case-by-case basis.
Cost or fee (describe): Free of cost to eligible clients
Description of other: Please note that legal advice is not given over the phone. Availability for assistance is dependent on the academic calendar.
Children (Child Custody, Support, Adoption): Brief advice/Help with forms/Clinics
Civil Rights: Brief advice/Help with forms/Clinics
Consumer: Brief advice/Help with forms/Clinics
Divorce: Brief advice/Help with forms/Clinics
Domestic Violence: Brief advice/Help with forms/Clinics
Expungement: Brief advice/Help with forms/Clinics
Employment: Brief advice/Help with forms/Clinics
Guardianship: Brief advice/Help with forms/Clinics
Housing - General: Brief advice/Help with forms/Clinics
Housing - Landlord/Tenant: Brief advice/Help with forms/Clinics
Immigration and Citizenship: Brief advice/Help with forms/Clinics
Other Topics: Brief advice/Help with forms/Clinics

Medical-Legal Partnership Clinic

Program Description:

The Medical-Legal Partnership Clinic provides free civil legal services to low-income people living with HIV to improve clients’ legal and health outcomes. The Clinic is a program of the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law’s clinical program, which provides legal services to individuals, families and communities throughout Maryland and prepares law students for their legal careers.

Intake days/hours (walk-in): Currently the clinic does not have walk-in consultation facilities.
Office days/hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm
Intake days/hours (by phone): 410-706-3295
Condition of waiver (describe): The Clinic considers all requests for assistance on a case-by-case basis.
Cost or fee (describe): Free of cost to eligible clients
Description of other: Please note that legal advice is not given over the phone. Availability for assistance is dependent on the academic calendar.
Eligibility-residence-county: Statewide
Eligibility-other: People living with HIV/AIDS
Other Topics: Limited representation
Is this legal advice?

This site offers legal information, not legal advice.  We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information and to clearly explain your options.  However we do not provide legal advice - the application of the law to your individual circumstances. For legal advice, you should consult an attorney.  The Maryland Thurgood Marshall State Law Library, a court-related agency of the Maryland Judiciary, sponsors this site.  In the absence of file-specific attribution or copyright, the Maryland Thurgood Marshall State Law Library may hold the copyright to parts of this website. You are free to copy the information for your own use or for other non-commercial purposes with the following language “Source: Maryland's People’s Law Library – © Maryland Thurgood Marshall State Law Library, 2025.”