Montgomery County Health and Human Services
Program Details
24 Hour Crisis Center
Program Description:
The Crisis Center provides crisis services 24 hours a day/ 365 days a year. These services are provided over the telephone (240-777-4000) or in person at 1301 Piccard Drive in Rockville (no appointment needed). Mobile Crisis Outreach will respond anywhere within Montgomery County to provide emergency psychiatric evaluations. Full crisis assessments and treatment referrals are provided for all crises, both psychiatric and situational. In addition, the program has six crisis beds as an alternative to hospitalization for those who are uninsured or are insured within the public mental health system.
Program Contact Phone: 240-777-4000
Advice/Help Hotline Phone: 240-777-4000
Program staff provide services in other languages: Spanish
Advice/Help Hotline Days/Hours: 24/7
Advice/Help Hotline Phone: 240-777-4000
Takoma East Silver Spring (TESS) Center
Program Description:
Location: 8513 Piney Branch Rd., Silver Spring, MD 20901
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday
- 9:00 am - 11:00 am
- 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm (Appointments Only)
1st and 3rd Wednesday Evenings (Legal Aid Only)
- 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm (Registration)
Health and Human Services Offices
- Applying for County Public Health Programs
- Child Care Subsidy Programs
- Early Childhood Services (ChildLink)
- Emergency Eviction Prevention
- Free Tax Help
- Medical Assistance (Medicaid/MA) Program
- Medical Care for Uninsured Children (Care for Kids)
- Public Assistance Programs - Food Stamps
- Public Assistance Programs (TCA/TDAP)
- Shelter Services
Program Contact Phone: 240-773-8260
Program staff provide services in other languages: Spanish
Office days/hours: See program description
Se habla Español: Brief advice/Help with forms/Clinics
Rockville, Maryland 20850
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