Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services

Organization Details

Organization Name:
Life Crisis Center
PO Box 387,
Contact form:
Program uses Language Line (Y/N)
Program staff provide services in other lanuages
Advice/Help Hotline Phone
Advice/Help Hotline Days/Hours
Cost or fee (describe)
Free or low cost, no one will be turned away for inability to pay
Wicomico, Somerset, and Worcester Counties
MLSC Client Income Eligibility Guidelines
Program Description

Legal Services and Representation: Life Crisis Center provides legal representation for eligible victims of intimate partner violence, at low or no cost.

Court Advocacy/Accompaniment Program: Our Advocates can provide you with short term and long term safety planning, along with information and referral. Advocates can help to empower and encourage you to make well informed decisions on your own.

Safety Planning: A safety plan is a personalized and practical plan for reducing the risk of being hurt. It helps you to identify things you can do to better protect you and your children at home, school, work, and in the community. Your safety plan can change at any time, it is an evolving process based upon your individual situation.  

Court Advocacy/Accompaniment: LCC Advocates can describe what can be expected during court proceedings and help you navigate your way through the court system. They can provide you with information about the court case, including civil restraining orders and criminal protective orders, to help you make informed decisions. A court advocate does not provide legal advice or represent you in court.

Life Crisis Center advocates provide short and long term court advocacy and accompaniment, information, and referral. A court advocate does not provide legal advice or represent you in court but can provide you with information about the court case and help you navigate your way though the court system, including civil restraining orders and criminal protective orders. An LCC advocate can help you by providing:

Courtroom advocacy for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and dating violence in protective order hearings.

  • Emergency room accompaniment for Rape and Domestic Violence Victims.
  • Accompaniment to the Commissioner's' Office and to interviews with Law Enforcement
  • Assistance with Victim Impact Statements
  • Assistance with Maryland Injuries Compensation Board Application

Additional services include high quality therapy free of charge, safe accommodation, and a family visitation center.

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Domestic Violence
Brief advice/Help with forms/Clinics
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