CHANA offers a Jewish response to the needs of people who experience abuse in Northwest Baltimore City and County:
- Physical
- Psychological
- Sexual
- Financial
- Spiritual
CHANA provides crisis intervention, education and consultation, and advocates for community awareness, safety and healing. With your help, we envision an aware and responsive community where all individuals are empowered to live with security and self-determination.
Program Details
Domestic Violence
Program Description:
- Crisis Intervention
- Safety Planning
- Legal Help
- Individual Counseling
- Support Groups
- Shelter
- Consultation
Program Contact Phone: 410-234-0030
Elder Abuse
Program Description:
- Crisis Intervention
- Safety Planning
- Legal Help
- Individual Counseling
- Support Groups
- Shelter
- Consultation & Education
Program Contact Phone: 410-234-0030
Advice/Help Hotline Phone: 410-234-0023
Program uses Language Line (Y/N): No
Advice/Help Hotline Phone: 410-234-0023
Other Topics: Brief advice/Help with forms/Clinics
Sexual Abuse
Program Description:
- Legal Help
- Individual Counseling
- Support Groups
- Consultation
Program Contact Phone: 410-234-0030
Teen Dating Violence and Abuse
Program Description:
- Legal Help
- Individual Counseling
- Support Groups
- CHANA Prevention Education Programs
Program Contact Phone: 410-234-0030
Pikesville, MD 21282
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