
General Employment Articles

The Maryland Job Applicant Fairness Act makes it illegal for most employers to require a credit check for job applicants.
Federal legislation gives spouses and divorced spouses some rights in a worker’s pension plan and social security benefits.
The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) (29 U.S.C. § 2601), entitles many employees to receive up to 12 weeks of leave for those who wish to care for family members, or who have serious illnesses.
The Maryland Lien for Unpaid Wages is a tool that allows employees to claim a lien on the property of an employer who owes wages, without having to file a complaint in court.
The Montgomery County Earned Sick and Safe Leave Law (Sick & Safe Leave Law) requires employers to provide each employee with earned sick and safe leave for work performed in Montgomery County.
Several Maryland laws prohibit retaliation against an employee who has disclosed wrongdoing by an employer.
An overview of federal, state, and local minimum wage and living wage laws.
This article describes workers' compensation law in Maryland.


There are a number of federal and state laws that prohibit discrimination because of age, race, color, gender, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, and pregnancy.
Several Maryland laws prohibit retaliation against an employee who has disclosed wrongdoing by an employer.

Unemployment Benefits

This article defines eligibility and information you need to gather before applying.
This article deals with completing the application for benefits.
This article deals with appealing a denial of benefits.
This article provides statewide resources for getting help with your unemployment benefits claim.

Youth Employment

When do you need a work permit? How to get a work permit?
This article describes laws written to keep minors in the workplace safe.